CUSTOMatrix, a seasoned executive consulting firm offering a broad spectrum of services, was looking to increase membership, expand their client base, and identify additional revenue sources in untapped markets. They realized they needed a marketing strategy, but they had neither a unified vision nor a marketing executive to drive it.
A high-level assessment by Upstart Group revealed that CUSTOMatrix was facing some formidable internal stumbling blocks. By its very nature, their business model was complex and driven by strong-willed executives. These two facts made it difficult for stakeholders to agree on issues as basic as the company’s objectives, target markets, values, and differentiating qualities. What they needed was the leadership of a Chief Marketing Officer—someone who could bring clarity and alignment to the discussion from a position of expertise and authority. That’s precisely what Upstart Group provided. We developed a strategy and facilitated a brand development process for CUSTOMatrix executives. The process led stakeholders toward a new and shared vision for not only their business’s marketing strategy, but for their business itself. In-depth market research and executive workshops provided the resources necessary for stakeholders to roundly agree on well-founded decisions. The updated CUSTOMatrix marketing strategy clearly defined customer and consultant target markets, and took shape with the design and rollout of a new brand, a revitalized online presence, as well as marketing collateral, visual presentations, and social media.
Since beginning their work with Upstart Group, CUSTOMatrix’s most important metrics have seen great improvement. Recruiting performance has risen by 25%, and the organization’s lead pipeline and customer base has grown, translating into a 30% increase in revenue. Beyond the numbers, though, CUSTOMatrix now has in place a clearly delineated vision, mission, and values, which inspire both internal and external customer focused marketing and communications. The result is an integrated and compelling marketing experience that is driving revenue instead of getting in its way.
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June 11, 2015TESTIMONIAL:
Upstart Group did an excellent job of guiding our executive team to consensus on core business decisions leading to a more successful marketing strategy. We are thrilled with the development of our marketing, brand, and website rejuvenation. Their work strengthened the conveyance of our firm’s mission, and in particular, the expression of heart-felt and personal values of our team.
Upstart Group's leadership, interpersonal skills, and management experience have combined to help produce an innovative strategic position for our consulting firm.
Eric Chriss, CUSTOMatrix CEO
How well do you know your market? Let us help you identify your key differentiators and strategically focus your marketing efforts for success!
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