“Is This Thing On?” Developing a Company Voice That Speaks to Your Customers

Has your company found its voice?

At Upstart Group, we talk extensively with our CEOs about the importance of understanding their customers. It matters. A lot.

The reality is that as a company owner or executive, you are not your customer and it’s extremely important not to let your own biases and personal preferences get in the way of your company’s success. Staying in tune with your buyers requires regular customer research, ongoing win/loss analysis, and message testing to increase the effectiveness of brand positioning—from value propositions to key proof points.

In a recent Akoonu article, Kathleen Atkins offers a straightforward outline for developing your company’s voice. Her main piece of advice? Make sure that the voice you’re employing in your content resonates with your audience.

Finding the right voice and developing consistent messaging that engages your customers truly makes a difference, from the top of the funnel to a closed sale.

Read all of Atkins’ tips on deploying an effective company voice.