Thought Leadership for B2B Success

Effective thought leadership shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Its impact goes beyond merely generating awareness among B2B decision-makers. According to a recent study by Edelman in collaboration with LinkedIn, thought leadership generates leads, builds a company’s reputation, and leads to new business at much higher rates than the generators of thought leadership—the content creators themselves—ever expected.

Nearly 41% of executives and decision-makers said they engaged in business with a company as a direct result of its thought leadership. Furthermore, 45-48% of decision-makers and executives were willing to pay higher premiums to work with companies who had good thought leadership.

The opposite is also true, however: poor thought leadership can hurt businesses. Approximately 35% of executives chose not to do business with a company because of its poor thought leadership, highlighting the importance of publishing worthwhile content.

When it comes to thought leadership, quality over quantity is key. Content should be honed carefully to effectively represent an organization and its mindset.

Read all the details from the study findings.