Polish Your Business Writing With This Handy Grammar Cheat Sheet

Error-free business writing is more important than you might think. As business leaders, we often find ourselves taking on the role of writer. From a formal report to a quick email, everything we write is a direct representation of our business.

That means grammar mistakes can reflect poorly on both ourselves and the business, even coming back to haunt us later—like those errors in the middle of an important presentation or on a social media post seen by thousands of potential customers.

Unless you have an in-house editor or professional editing service at your fingertips—which we at Upstart Group highly recommend—you’re probably going to fall victim to some common grammar mistakes. When you’re writing it’s handy to have a cheat sheet nearby. We like this one from The Expert Editor.

From clarifying commonly confused words to demonstrating proper comma usage, this infographic is a quick-glance resource for business writing. Double-check it when you’re not sure if you should use affect or effect or to avoid comma splices. It even suggests a thorough proofreading process that you can implement to catch errors before your writing is seen by customers.

Whether or not you have a professional editor on hand to review your business writing, start 2018 by keeping these common grammar pitfalls in mind. Avoiding them will help ensure that you and your business look professional and polished on all fronts.


Infographic showing grammar tips for error-free business writing

Source: The Expert Editor

Now is the perfect time to take stock of the functional and strategic roles your business needs to effectively reach your customers and build revenue (editors included!). If you want help evaluating your marketing strategy or building your revenue engine, Upstart Group can help. Get in touch now to schedule a free strategy session with one of our expert CMOs.